Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Day 205
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
We praise You for being a God of restoration—who brings beauty and flourishing in places of tohuw and bohuw. You are the God who creates the Way of Holiness and invites Your people to walk on it, surrounded by life and flowers and streams, where Your healing is complete and tears are banished. You are abundantly good to us, God.
These promises for eternity give us hope. Your Word says, “Even if they are fools, they shall not go astray”. In the meantime though, we still act foolishly and we still go astray. We’ve leaned on our idols and suffered the consequences. Would you bind up our wounds and reorient our hearts back to the path of righteousness? We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean.
Today, we ask You to show us areas of our lives and hearts where You’ve already worked redemption. Today we pause to thank You for those areas by name. We praise You for them specifically in this moment. God, we thank You for…. [pause]
Holy Spirit, keep showing us the spaces where You’re working in our lives. Our hearts need to remember, and our hearts need to rejoice in the God of our salvation. Our hearts need to behold our God, behold our God, behold our God.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Day 204
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
We praise You for being our righteousness, for being our peace. We cannot access it apart from You. Father, we praise You for being the stability of our times. You are steady, You can be trusted, even when the world around us is in chaos and our lives feel like a question mark. You are a period. You are an exclamation point! You are a bold-font fact, molded in concrete and covered in gold. You are our heart’s solid treasure.
But we’ve clung to temporary wealth. Our wealth has made us complacent. Like the fool and the scoundrel, we’ve turned from Your ways. We’ve ignored the poor and the needy. And when we ourselves are poor and needy, we’ve looked to our own version of Egypt, we’ve clung to the false hope of horses and chariots. We repent of these sins.
Would you teach our hearts the truth, God? Don’t let us rally around our lies any longer! Make our hearts clean and our minds wise! And Lord Jesus, come quickly. We eagerly await the return of our righteous King!
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Day 203
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
We praise You for the way You promise to teach us and guide us. You are so patient with us. When we rebel, You wait to be gracious to us… and sometimes, like with Ariel, You even choose to bless us in the midst of our rebellion so that we can see what Your heart is really like! You are the God of wonder upon wonder!
But all too often, we’re like toddlers who want to do it by ourselves and exercise our autonomy and prove ourselves. We get just enough power to feel like it originated with us. But Jesus, YOU are the foundation. YOU are the cornerstone. We repent of our autonomy and our arrogance. We’ve stolen glory that belongs to You and we’ve neglected our role in obedience.
Would You thresh us like wheat, God? Get rid of the hard external shell and expose what’s valuable in us—because we know that what’s valuable in us is YOU. Soften us. And show us wonder upon wonder… show us Your goodness in ways we’ve been too self-focused to notice.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Day 202
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
We praise You for being the landing place for the Father’s wrath. You took it all upon Yourself so that God’s kids don’t have to! Instead, we get to enjoy being in relationship with the compassionate King of the Universe! Father, we praise You for the mercy You’ve extended to us—not giving us what we deserve. We praise You for the grace You’ve poured out on us—giving us all the benefits and gifts of knowing You.
We confess that we’ve held those gifts in higher esteem than You at times. We’ve been angry with You for withholding them from us, we’ve idolized them when You gave them to us, and we’ve been ungrateful. We’ve let our abundance take our eyes off You and we’ve let our greed shape our view of You. And we repent. We turn FROM our sins TO You and ask You to make our hearts clean. Have mercy on me, a sinner.
Would You help us to return to You where we’ve wandered? We can’t do it on our own. We need Your Spirit to empower our steps and redirect our thoughts and desires. Please do it, God! Teach us to hold fast to love and justice and to wait continually for You!
We surrender our lives to You—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Day 201
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
You met us when we were not Your people. We were sinners, born into separation from You because we were born into sinfulness. Our sin required a punishment, but You had mercy on us and adopted us into Your family through the death of Christ and the indwelling of His Spirit! We praise You for that! WHAT MERCY! We are Your People, the children of the Living God! And we praise You and thank You for all the ways Your beauty pours over our story.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. Like Gomer, we have run from Your love and rejected Your goodness. We’ve gone to other lovers who feel more familiar and less intimidating, because we misunderstand Your heart and doubt Your love. But You relentlessly pursue us in our sin, and love us into repentance. So here we are, repenting—turning from our lesser loves and returning to YOU, fully.
Would You speak the truth of our new name over us? Remind us that we are YOURS. Fully. Forever. Remind us over and over again, Spirit. When our flesh and our enemy tries to lure us back to old familiar ways, would You knit our hearts to You even tighter? Anchor us down in Your truth and Your love.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Day 200
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
You are eager to forgive! You come with heavy doses of mercy. You are gracious and merciful and will not turn away Your face from us! THANK YOU for that! What a relief! We praise You for your forgiving heart that joyfully receives the imperfect gifts we offer to You!
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Like Hezekiah, we’ve made some hasty decisions—we’ve traded valuable things to win approval or to security instead of looking to You for those things. We turn from our sinfulness and hastiness and foolishness, and we turn to YOU, the God who can give us righteousness and patience and wisdom. Make our hearts clean and our minds wise. And thank You for the eternal pardon that has already been granted to us in Christ Jesus.
Help us to extend Your kindness and Your welcome to those we consider enemies, like Hezekiah did with the other tribes, and to those who don’t have it all together, like he did with those who were unclean at Passover. When he extended those invitations to join in worshipping You, hearts were softened and You were glorified. He demonstrated Your heart to the world around him, and we want to do that too!
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Day 201
You met us when we were not Your people. We were sinners, born into separation from You because we were born into sinfulness. Our sin required a punishment, but You had mercy on us and adopted us into Your family through the death of Christ and the indwelling of His Spirit! We praise You for that! WHAT MERCY! We are Your People, the children of the Living God! And we praise You and thank You for all the ways Your beauty pours over our story.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. Like Gomer, we have run from Your love and rejected Your goodness. We’ve gone to other lovers who feel more familiar and less intimidating, because we misunderstand Your heart and doubt Your love. But You relentlessly pursue us in our sin, and love us into repentance. So here we are, repenting—turning from our lesser loves and returning to YOU, fully.
Would You speak the truth of our new name over us? Remind us that we are YOURS. Fully. Forever. Remind us over and over again, Spirit. When our flesh and our enemy tries to lure us back to old familiar ways, would You knit our hearts to You even tighter? Anchor us down in Your truth and Your love.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Day 199
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
O Lord, You will ordain peace for us, for You have indeed done for us all our works. You do the doing, and we praise You for it! Thank You!
Like all the rest of earth and mankind, we can’t keep Your covenant with us, but YOU have kept it. You have been faithful when we haven’t, and we repent. Have mercy on me, a sinner. Make our hearts clean.
Would You teach us to know You more? Reveal more of Yourself to us today, God. Grant us trust in You, expand our delight in You, and remind us of Yourself all throughout the day. Fix our minds on Yourself! We know that peace will be the byproduct of all of that—and it starts with getting to know You. We want to know You like Isaiah does, God. We want to be like the man who is so firmly rooted in You that he can speak of all the horrible things yet to come and be unshaken by it all. His mouth always returns to praising You. Make our hearts like that, God!
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, You are our Lord so we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Day 198
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
We praise You for being a God who communicates with humanity. You’ve given us the general revelation of creation and the special revelation of Scripture, the work of Your Son Jesus, and Your Spirit within us, who reminds us of the truths Your Word teaches. The fact that You can direct our thoughts and our hearts is such a comfort, because we know what our hearts and our minds do when left to their own devices. You are a better guide. You are a trusted guide. You are a HOLY guide, and we praise You for that!
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Sometimes it’s easier and more comfortable for us to avoid the truth, God. We turn a blind eye, throw a party, and crank up the music to drown You out—like the people in Jerusalem did when Your warning came. We don’t want to know we need to repent. It’s offensive to us to even think we’re guilty of sin. But we are. So we confess those sins, turn from them, and turn to You. Make our hearts clean, God.
You are the God who mourns over Your enemies, who turns them into Your family and calls them Your people. Give us hearts like that. Not only hearts that view YOU rightly but that extend with compassion toward those who don’t yet know You. May we radiate a joy and freedom that draws them to YOU.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Day 197
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
We praise You for tenderheartedness, for the fact that You drench Your enemies in Your tears. It’s so merciful of You to weep over Moab. Your compassion is on display when You treat Damascus, Syria, with kindness just because of their connection to Your people. Your goodness is so abundant that it spills out into the lives of those who are adjacent to Your family members!
Like Babylon and possibly Lucifer, there have been times when we’ve wanted to be You instead of serve You. We want things to bend to our will and for us to have ultimate control. We believe our ways are right and best. We haven’t walked in humility or repentance. But in this moment, You’ve granted us repentant hearts to confess the truth, so we lean in.
Would You help us adjust to the parts of Your sovereignty that chafe against us? When our hearts feel frustrated by it, help us see how beautiful and comforting it can be that our very good Father can be trusted to be in charge.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Day 196
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
We praise You for Your great patience and mercy. You warn us far more times than we listen, You don’t punish us according to what we deserve, and even when You bring consequences for our sins, You always bring the promise of restoration in the areas that are eternal. In Your economy, nothing is wasted—not even our sin and rebellion. It all reveals our need for You and Your holiness in judgment and goodness in mercy.
How many times have we looked to Your enemies to help or advise us? How many times have we fallen into the sin patterns of the world around us? How many times have we ignored Your warnings and Your Word? Only You know, God. And for all those sins, we repent and seek Your grace to change our hearts.
Would You help us to turn from our evil ways and keep Your commandments and Your statutes? We don’t want to be stubborn, God. When we encounter stubborn people who don’t learn, we view them as foolish. We don’t want to be foolish, so give us Your wisdom—we’re desperate for it!
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!