Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Day 215
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
You are in the business of changing hearts and moving eyes, and we praise You for it! Thank You that You are attuned to our thoughts and desires, and You know exactly how to catch our attention when we’re ignoring You. We’re so grateful You can shake us awake—it is always to bless us with more of who You are!
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Whether we are at the beginning of our story, like Manasseh, or closer to the end of our story, like Hezekiah, or some place in between, we have a desperate need for humility. We are most blinded by our pride and our desires, God. We are driven by what we want and where we think happiness is found. We repent of seeking true, lasting fulfillment in anything besides You. Teach us to want better, God. Make our hearts clean.
Like the armies of Judah, would You help us be strong and courageous as we face our enemies today? Whether it’s a physical enemy, a spiritual entity, or even our flesh, You are with us! We are not alone! So as we battle our pride and entitlement and complacency, we can talk to You about! We can repent, we can be renewed! Remind us that the Living God is with us to fight our battles.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every battle we fight, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Day 214
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
You are so kind to sinners, and we praise You for it! You are our only hope for rescue and our only hope for joy. Thank You for showing mercy to us when we deserve punishment. Thank You for showing grace to us when we’ve earned nothing good.
Like Hezekiah, there have been times when we’ve grown complacent or when we’ve been so numbed by our lack of actual need that we don’t really care about the consequences of our sins. And also like Hezekiah, there have been times when we’ve been so acutely aware of our desperation, and You’ve shown us abundant kindness, and we’ve continued on ungrateful and unmoved by Your generosity. For all the ways we’ve mistreated You and ignored You, we repent. We pause to fully fix our eyes on You and remember who You’ve been to us. Please have mercy and make our hearts clean.
For however much life You have left for our bodies—whether it’s 15 years or 15 minutes—we want to live out every breath in alignment with Your heart. We want to walk in Your plan, so show it to us. We want to speak with Your wisdom, so give it to us. We want to live out Your love and humility and kindness, so fill us with it today, Holy Spirit. All the years You’ve given us, we give back to You.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Day 213
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Your heart is set on loving Your enemies and adopting them into Your family! That’s the whole reason we can even call You Father to begin with! We praise You for Your heart to include the outsiders and give us the opportunity to serve Your kingdom too!
In the meantime, sometimes our efforts to serve You fall short. Sometimes we’re guilty of attempting righteous deeds that are more like filthy rags instead—our motives are off or we worship with zeal but not according to true knowledge of You—whatever those things are, would You reveal them to us? You have created us to do good works and You even do those works through us, so we need You to align our hearts and minds with Yours. We repent and ask You to make our hearts clean.
Would You draw us nearer to You today, God? Some of us may feel like You’re hiding Your face, so we ask You to reveal it. Some of us may feel like we’re on auto-pilot, so would shake us awake to the great joy of knowing You? This is no boring life You’ve called us to. Fill our time in Your Word with passion and delight. Truly, You’re where the joy is!
We surrender our lives to You. Every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect and joyful will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Day 212
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
We praise You for how benevolent and desirable and winsome You are! You are a DELIGHT! You show us so much favor and kindness—all of it is more than we deserve, but it’s even so much more than we can imagine! Today You gave us some sneak peeks of Your eternal Kingdom, and they’re just incredible! Everlasting joy?! Yes, please! Thank You for inviting us in to that. Thank you for inviting us to live with You forever!
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Like Israel, we can say the same words they spoke to you in the midst of their darkness. “Our transgressions are multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us; and we know our iniquities, transgression, and denying the LORD, and turning back from following our God.” We repent. We turn FROM our sins TO You and ask You to make our hearts clean.
Would You show us the better way? Light up YOUR path, God. Give us sure footing for our feet as we aim to honor You and walk according to the guidance of Your Spirit.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every path, every step, every stop, and every leap of faith—we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Day 211
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Your omniscience and omnipresence are such blessings to us, and we praise and thank You for them. The fact that You are outside of time and yet here with us inside it—it’s hard for us to comprehend, honestly, but our finite minds still know enough to praise You for even the things we don’t understand. Who You are is a blessing to us. Your nature and Your character are such gifts to Your children. You are the Most High God who dwells with the lowly. On purpose. With delight. It’s mind-boggling and worship-inspiring.
We are the lowly, God. We are the broken. We have nurtured selfish thoughts, even if they never turned to selfish actions, we have done the wrong kind of righteous deeds, we’ve wanted glory for ourselves, and then we’ve run from You in our sin instead of going to the one place we can actually get our hearts set on straight. We repent of our sins. We turn for our wandering. Would You make our hearts clean?
Set us free from the shame we’re carrying around that comes from sins Jesus has already paid for. Your Word says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and that’s us! We are in Christ Jesus! So, Holy Spirit, would You remind us today of our true identity? Sons and daughters of the Most High God. We are sinners and saints all at once, and the glory is all Yours for the rescue, God.
We surrender our lives to You. Have Your way in us.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Day 210
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
We praise You for paying for the sins of many. We praise You for the fact that we are among that “many”! God, we praise You for the fact that You are not a 1-dimensional God! You have complex emotions! Jesus, You submitted to the Father’s plan to be crushed, but You also asked if there was any other way—You wrestled with the hard things and still demonstrated submission for us in the most extreme way imaginable. Thank You for Your sacrifice. Thank You for making a way for us to talk to the Father right now!
Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. We’ve taken Christ’s death too lightly. We’ve wandered into sin—or even actively sought it out—without acknowledging the weight of what it cost You, Jesus. We’ve been guilty of lighting our own fires instead of waiting for Your Spirit’s direction.
Today, imprint these truths on our minds and hearts: You love us, You have provided for us, You are providing for us, and You will provide for us. All that is required of us has been fully accomplished forever, and we’re free to delight in You and wait for You and we will not be put to shame!
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Day 209
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
You have been SO ACTIVE in our lives! We praise You for Your joyful heart to willingly bless Your people. You restore and redeem the ones who have repeatedly gone astray. We praise You for Your goodness to Israel. We praise You for your power over the enemy and the great victory You’ve worked on behalf of Your kids.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. Like Hezekiah, we’ve lived carelessly. We’ve doubted Your words and drown them out by the volume of our own desires and we repent.
Would You lead our hearts into greater quietness and rest and trust? We want to be still and know that You are God. We want to actively remember. We want to yield to You in all we do.
We confess that Your way is perfect and ours is not, and we praise You for inviting us to walk with You in Your way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Day 208
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Thank You for delighting in knowing us, for never leaving us hanging when we try to get to know You. We know more about You today than we did yesterday, because You faithfully, patiently listen to our questions and confusions and doubts. Thank You for not giving up on us, because we still have so much to learn about You! We praise You for the fact that we never seek You in vain—You will always meet us in this space.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Like Babylon, we are loaded down with idols. They are heavy, God. Money and the perfect body and marriage and children and new things—we want so much stuff, God. It dominates our thoughts and our social media feeds and our conversations. And when we get honest with ourselves, we know we don’t want to carry it anymore. Deep down, our hearts know that what they really want is YOU. We want to be carried by YOU instead of carrying around all these desires that we think will fulfill us. Deep down we know we are being deceived. So we repent of our sins, drop of our idols, and turn to You instead.
Carry us, God.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Day 207
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
We praise You for the fact that You in Your holiness joyfully use imperfect people like us and Abraham and Jacob and the people of Israel. You’ve written us into Your story, and You’ve blotted out our sins for Your own sake. Your forgiveness of our sins shows how incredibly forgiving and merciful You are. What a GIFT it is to know You, and what an UNDERSTATEMENT that is! We don’t have praise enough to offer You!
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We don’t do much kavah-ing, God. We’re driven by unholy fears to such a degree that they feel normal. We start to view them as our natural instincts and we don’t know how to be bound and joined to You when we’re so tightly bound to all our hypothetical worst case scenarios. Help us, God. Remind us who You are. We don’t want to forget, like the Israelites. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean and our memories strong.
Would You bind us together with You, join us to Yourself, meet with us, cause us to confidently expect in and trust You, strengthen us to endure… We can only mount up and fly if we fly on Your wings, God, so bind our wandering hearts to Yours today and forever.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Day 206
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Your plan is supreme! And we praise You for it! Before the earth began, You set all this in motion, and You established Your purposes to connect with the yet to be created humanity that You knew would need rescue. Like King Hezekiah said, “In love You have delivered my life from the pit of destruction,” and we praise You for it!
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Maybe we’re like King Hezekiah and we spend most of our days living a morally upright life, so it makes it especially easy for us to forget that we need You. We haven’t lost our desperation but we’ve lost our awareness of our desperation. Where we’re given to arrogance and pride and self-determination, we repent. Humble us, God.
You are kind to reveal our sins to us, to hear our prayers, to respond to us. Would You keep Your ear open to our cries today, God? Remind us to come to You first, to talk to You about everything, to seek Your will and Your way above our own, because Yours is perfect and ours is not.
We yield to You, Lord, in all things. We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!