Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Day 085
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
We praise You for being a God who doesn’t discard us with age. Every day that we still have breath in our lungs is a day You have purposed for us to magnify and glorify You on earth. You are intentional about the number of our days and years; no moment is an afterthought of an oversight. We praise You for being at work even in what we perceive to be delays. Thank You for shaping our hearts, acting for our good, and defeating the enemies in our lives, despite our present and future failures.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. We confess to partial obedience or delayed obedience—we know this is disobedience to You. We repent of not driving out the sin in our lives that you’ve highlighted repeatedly.
Please forgive us for ignoring You, for avoiding You, or for disobeying fully or even partially. We know full obedience leads to life abundant and blessing, and most importantly, it leads us to greater intimacy with You. So please grant us that obedience. And as we obey, give us the vigor of Caleb. Give us strength according to our days, that we might actively engage with the things You’ve called us to.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Day 084
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
We praise you for showing mercy and grace to those You show mercy and grace. None of us deserve any of that from You. All we’ve earned is death, so every bit of mercy or grace You pour out shows us Your compassion toward Your people. We praise You even for the things you do that we disagree with, because we know that if we knew everything You know, we would see how Your ways are nothing less than perfectly righteous.
We repent of trying to making You into our image and force You to bend to our understanding of what is right and just. We repent of lying to protect ourselves, pretending to be something we aren’t. We repent of not seeking Your guidance and forging ahead on our own. We confess that we have put You in a box, asking for small things because we think they’re doable. Help us to ask BIG of You, God, because You are BIG, and there’s no limit to what You can accomplish.
You are a God who speaks of our future before it has come to pass. Align our hearts with Your plans, God; and where there any misalignment remains, grant us the humility to surrender and submit our ways to Yours. Like Joshua, help us to do all You command. When our days are long and our battles are longer, grant us persistent obedience. But also grant us hope—help us to keep our eyes fixed on our merciful, miracle-working God.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Day 083
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
We praise You for teaching us to trust You for the outcome instead of trying to achieve it on our own. Thank You for being at work behind the scenes, even on our days that feel pointless or tedious. You are always at work, so nothing we do is meaningless. We praise You for the privilege of being instruments in Your loving hands.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. We confess our adultery to You, both spiritual and otherwise. Our hearts have turned away from You, and we give them over to You now for searching, for discipline, for grace, and for change.
Would You make us NEW? Not better, not good, NEW. That’s what we need, and that’s what we want. And You are the only One who can do this. By the work of Your Holy Spirit, change our hearts, God.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Day 082
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
We praise You for Your continual presence in our lives. Thank You for providing all that You require of us. We praise You for raising up Joshua to lead Your people, giving them a leader who was strong and courageous, not because of anything in him, but because He knew who YOU were. We praise You for having properly ordered values, and for using Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute, to demonstrate Your values by saving the lives of the spies. We praise You for the way Your love and Your renown reach across enemy lines to save those far from You.
Father, we confess that we don’t always believe Your promises. We aren’t always strong and courageous. We forget who You are and we don’t lean into Your character or Your track record of faithfulness and righteousness. Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean.
Would You make it abundantly clear as we read Your Word where You have made and kept Your promises? We want to lean on Your pattern of faithfulness. Would you reveal the promises that apply to us today, and help us believe them wholeheartedly?
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Day 081
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
We praise You for Your intimate knowledge of who we truly are. You are the only One who truly knows us. You know us better than we know ourselves and yet you still draw near to sinners like us. Thank You for knitting us to Yourself, and granting us an increased desire for Truth.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. We confess we have rebelled against You, rejected You, and we are not the “upright ones”.
Would You grant us an increasing knowledge of who You are? Give us minds and hearts to know You. Would You remind us of Your Spirit working in us and through us to make us completely new? Give us eyes to see ourselves as You see us in Christ—as “upright” through the blood of Your Son.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Day 080
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Despite knowing all the ways we will fail You, You lean in. And we praise You for the fact that our sin doesn’t scare You away. Thank You for staying near to us despite our rebellious hearts. We praise You for using our circumstances to reveal our hearts to us and giving us eyes to see the truth when we’ve rebelled. We praise You for the joy You granted Moses in the wilderness and for the joy You grant us even in our own deserts. You continually chase after our hearts even when we give You no reason to - You love us beyond reason.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and ask You to make our hearts clean. We confess that we have doubted You, betrayed You, sinned against You, and forgotten You.
But God, You have never abandoned us and You never will, and You love like no one else. Would You encourage us to share the story of Your great kindness with someone else this week? Give us opportunities to talk about Your goodness and Your provision through Your Son and Your Spirit.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Day 079
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
We praise You for Your perfect revelation, for showing us what we need to know and hiding from us what would hurt us or what we aren’t ready for. Your wisdom and timing are flawless. We praise You for not letting us rebel without consequence, for pursuing us even in our sin, for being near to us in our sin that You might grant us repentance like only Your Spirit can. And we praise You for the repentance You’ve already granted us today.
We confess to doubting Your ability or Your heart in the face of uncertainties. Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean.
Would You help us trust and obey You? Help us to have peace in spite of our lack of knowledge. Help it be enough that You know, see, and are sovereign over and active in everything that happens to us.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Day 078
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
We praise You for Your possession of us. Thank You that You own us fully. We are bought with a price, never to be returned, laid aside, or betrayed. There’s no one we would ever want to be owned by but You. Only You are the fullness of compassion, mercy, grace, patience, and justice.
We confess that in our independence or sense of self, we balk at the idea of submitting to You or being owned by You. We want to make our own decisions so we pretend You’re too busy to be involved or act like You’ve handed the reigns over to us. We seek You for our desires but not for our directives. We are selfish and we want to be self-governed. We repent of our many sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. Have mercy on us.
Would You assuage our fears or misconceptions and show us that Your ownership of us doesn’t carry the fear of abuse or misuse? Your possession of us leads to life, protection, love, and thriving!
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Day 077
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
We praise You and thank You for becoming the curse for us. Father, thank You for using the obedience of Your Son to reverse our futures, sparing us what we have earned and deserve. You are the only one who is big enough and good enough to do this. Thank You for Your merciful and generous plan.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. We repent for any time we have tried to overlay our cultural content or personal experience onto an ancient Jewish text. We repent of viewing You as harsh or misogynistic without taking the time to see Your heart for valuing and protecting women.
Would You open up our hearts to receive Your Truth about Your character from texts we would be tempted to fight against? Would you remind us today of what our future was before You found us, pursued us, and made us your own?
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Day 076
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
We praise You for sending Your Son Jesus to die on the cross. Jesus, we praise You for receiving the punishment we deserve. God, we praise You for leaning into the grace over the long course of history, for showing Your great patience and mercy to Your kids.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. We repent of our sins and turn to You and we ask You to make our hearts clean. We repent of our rebellion against You and of all the times when we questioned Your heart. We admit that part of our motivation in acquiring things for ourselves has been self-reliance. We repent of looking to anything but You for our security in this life or the next. You are always sufficient. Help us to purge the sin from our own hearts, first and foremost, by the power of Your Spirit.
Would You turn our hearts back to You today? We want to rely on You fully. You alone provide what we need to live the life You have planned for us. Make and keep us humble. We aren’t kings but we act like it sometimes. Remind us who You are and who we are in light of You. Protect us from viewing wealth as a fortress and looking to it for our provision and protection.
We surrender our lives to You, Lord—every moment of our day, each decision we make, we yield our will and way to Your perfect will and way.
We love You too. Amen.
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
Writers: Callie Summers & Tara-Leigh Cobble
Sound Engineer: Allison Congden
Patreon / Show Notes / Transcripts: Courtney Vaughan
Logo: Landon Wade
Patreon: patreon.com/thebiblerecap
Website: thebiblerecap.com
The Bible Kneecap is brought to you by D-Group, an international network of discipleship and accountability groups that meet weekly in homes and churches: Find or start one near you today!